vahideh R.


vahideh R.

I'm from Iran, and student of Nanoscience (chemical technology) in URV University in Tarragona. My bachelor is food Engineering and I have worked for about 12 years in food manufacturer as a quality control manager, R&D, food laboratory technician and I have worked less than 1 year in a industrial kitchen to modify food recipes and make new food taste and new drinks. Also I'm looking for a part time job but apart from this, I like to have job experience in Spain to get more familiar with culture and people as well as get new skills. I have some hobbies that could be valuable in volunteering efforts. For example I like cooking and trying to make new recipes and taste. Also, I have a skill in working with Office software, Word typing and data entry. The other favorite hobbies is making handcrafts, trying to provide solution for sustainability and recyclability to protect the environment such as changing the application of wastes. The last point is that due to my job experiences in various factories I'm good in leadership and administrative task.





Inglés, Francés


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches

Fines de semana

Mañanas, Tardes

Ofrece sus servicios en

Tarragona (Tarragona)

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