Auriol Marguerite G.


Auriol Marguerite G.

I am a creative, conscientious professional with an eye for detail. I am highly organised and able to prioritise a varied workload; adapting quickly to new working environments and practices. My written and verbal communication skills are well developed - the result of intensive experience as a teacher, translator and personal assistant.
My resolute and ardent approach has led to success in my present and past employments as I consistently achieve high standards under pressure, through productive teamwork and/or using my own initiative.





Italiano, Inglés, Español

Experiencia y habilidades

1st OCT 2018 ? Present
Dadaabc, Beijing, China.
Online teacher of English as a second language.

4th OCT 2010 ? September 2018
Convergys Q13
Bilingual Logistics Coordinator

1993 ? 2008
Self Employed
Verona , Italy


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Tardes, Mañanas

Ofrece sus servicios en

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)

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