
Diana Lucia C.

Public Administrator graduated from the School of Public Administration - ESAP with great ability of Innovation, Leadership, Continuous Learning, Future Projection both Labor and Social with knowledge in areas such as Personnel Selection, Training, Occupational Health, Welfare to the employee, I am interested in public policies because it constitutes the backbone of the Public Administration and because they are an imperative to guide with security the administrative action towards the ends of the state.




Public Administrator graduated from the School of Public Administration - ESAP with great ability of Innovation, Leadership, Continuous Learning, Future Projection both Labor and Social with knowledge in areas such as Personnel Selection, Training, Occupational Health, Welfare to the employee, I am interested in public policies because it constitutes the backbone of the Public Administration and because they are an imperative to guide with security the administrative action towards the ends of the state.




  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes

Fines de semana

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches

Ofrece sus servicios en

Barcelona (Barcelona), Huesca (Huesca), Jaca (Huesca)

Última conexión:
17 de abril de 2024

Actividades que desempeña Diana Lucia C.

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