
Meerahmad Y.

With a robust technical foundation in the production of PVC and aluminum windows and doors, I am a seasoned marketing and communications specialist who excels in the intricacies of the industry. My proficiency encompasses detailed measurements, glass cutting precision, PVC profiling, and aluminum framework assembly. I am adept at operating advanced machinery tailored for the fabrication of high-quality window and door systems. My experience extends to overseeing production processes, ensuring adherence to industry standards, and implementing quality control measures. As a job seeker, my objective is to apply my technical expertise and strategic marketing acumen to enhance the operational efficiency and market presence of a leading company in the PVC and aluminum sector. I am committed to innovation and excellence, aiming to contribute my skills to an organization that values technical prowess and strategic growth in window and door manufacturing.





Español, Inglés

Experiencia y habilidades

As a professional with expertise in the production of PVC and aluminum windows and doors, I have been involved in several significant projects throughout my career. Here are some highlights:

Energy-Efficient Window Systems:
Collaborated with engineers and architects to design and manufacture energy-efficient window systems.
Implemented innovative glazing techniques, such as low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings and double/triple glazing, to enhance thermal insulation.
Contributed to the development of windows that meet stringent energy efficiency standards, reducing heating and cooling costs for homeowners and businesses.
Customization and Design:
Worked closely with clients to understand their specific needs and preferences.
Created customized window and door designs, considering factors like aesthetics, functionality, and security.
Leveraged my technical knowledge to recommend suitable profiles, hardware, and finishes for each project.
Quality Control and Compliance:
Ensured that all manufactured windows and doors met industry standards and safety regulations.
Conducted rigorous quality control checks at various production stages, from profile cutting to assembly.
Collaborated with quality assurance teams to address any deviations and maintain consistent product quality.
Multilingual Communication:
Managed communication across diverse teams, including production staff, suppliers, and international clients.
Facilitated smooth interactions by providing technical explanations in multiple languages.
Translated technical documentation, installation manuals, and marketing materials to reach a global audience.
Market Research and Strategy:
Conducted market research to identify trends, customer preferences, and emerging technologies.
Developed marketing strategies to promote our window and door solutions.
Participated in industry trade shows and exhibitions to showcase our products and network with potential clients.
Project Management:
Oversaw large-scale window and door installation projects, coordinating logistics, timelines, and resources.
Collaborated with installation teams to ensure seamless execution and customer satisfaction.
Managed project budgets, procurement, and scheduling.
In summary, my career has been marked by a blend of technical expertise, strategic thinking, and effective communication. I am passionate about contributing to the growth of the PVC and aluminum industry by delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to clients worldwide.


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches

Ofrece sus servicios en

Albacete (Albacete), Madrid (Madrid), Barcelona (Barcelona), Málaga (Andalucía), Valencia (Valencia), Alicante (Alicante)

Última conexión:
6 de mayo de 2024

Actividades que desempeña Meerahmad Y.

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