
gail R.

good afternoon
we are moving to los montesinos in a few month and i am looking for a job please, and i was hoping you would be interested in having me join your team.

at present i am a registered paramedic working in a police custody but i am wanting to slow down with my life. i am a caring, experienced health care proffessional, who is willing to put her hand to learning new skills, and using and sharing old skills.

i am brilliant at working in a team, on my own or in the community or even a school. i have good knowledge of health, at the present i administer medicines under PDG, i am able to take bloods and complete primary and secondary survey, i am able to complete ecg/blood pressure and plenty more skills to offer.

i am able to drive just need to clarify licence in spain, i will be living in los montesinos and i will be available any time needed

thank you






Experiencia y habilidades

paramedic with teaching qualification.


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

24 horas / Urgencias

Fines de semana

24 horas / Urgencias

Ofrece sus servicios en

Los Montesinos (Alicante)

Última conexión:
20 de enero de 2021

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