Fabian orlando  O.


Fabian orlando O.

Caretaker and companion of geriatric persons, adults, and young people who require help in their Psychomotor development or who have difficulties in carrying out day-to-day tasks.

At present, I have the experience and knowledge to offer myself to the employment as a caretaker for the elderly, or patients who require some permanent accompaniment. I can prepare certain types of food, do maintenance to gas, electric, sanitary networks, cleaning of furniture, rooms, among others; I have a driving license for cars and motorcycles. I have an intermediate level of English knowledge with a fast advance, the German language is a short term goal, and I am willing to learn it quickly, in the same way, I am eager to teach Latin American Spanish.





Español, Inglés

Experiencia y habilidades

characterize myself as rigor and full of responsibility in my activities, both labor and academic work, I am a sincere, open, and respectful person. I learn quickly and adapt easily to people and their needs. Being proactive is my advantage standing out from within.


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches, 24 horas / Urgencias

Ofrece sus servicios en

Agullent (Valencia)

Última conexión:
20 de octubre de 2023

Actividades que desempeña Fabian orlando O.

Servicios de Fabian orlando O.

Cuidador de mayores y/o Discapacidad

Cuidador de mayores, discapacitados y/o pacientes de hospital. Aplico las...

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