
Matěj J.

My name is Matěj Janásek. I am from Czech republic and on a may of 2024 I am finishing my studies in electrical engineering. I am 19 years old and actively searching work in Spain to move there in June




Highschool of Electrotechnical engineering. We were learning about automation, robotics, communication and optic connections. Basics and intermediate learning about electronics and Electroinstalation. Programing in Python and C. We had practical learning as well with certification for working with electricity


Español, Inglés

Experiencia y habilidades

I worked as construction worker, and had internship as a technicians assistant.


  • No tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • No tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes

Fines de semana

Mañanas, Tardes

Ofrece sus servicios en

Málaga (Málaga)

Última conexión:
4 de junio de 2024

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